Centre Committee
Little Athletics Nunawading is managed by a volunteer committee. If you think you have time or skills to contribute, please come and join us. The amount of time you spend depends on your role, and can be between 2 and 10 hours per month - you decide!
Executive Committee
Jana Walter
Carla Di Loreto
Vice President
Jo Daly
Rob Coombes
Registrar -Anna Davidson
Child Safety Officer - Jana Walter and Jo Daly
Uniform Coordinator - Vacant
Track & Field Team Manager - Vacant
Relays Team Manager - Vacant
Cross-Country Manager - Vacant
Sponsorship & Publicity - Vacant
Coaching Coordinator - Angela Phillips
Age Group Coordinator - Craig Leetham
Records/Data Coordinator - Tanya Papillo
On Track Program Coordinator - Erica Church
Results Coordinator - Carla Di Loreto
Computer Coordinator - Rebecca Gorrell
Social Media- Carla Di Loreto
Website Coordinator - Vacant
Canteen Coordinator - Vacant
Presentation Coordinator - Rhonda Campbell
General Committee - Sam Ford, Janet Ley,
BSAT Delegate - Michael Fitzgerald and Tanya Papillo
EMR Delegate - Kate Higgins